My Mentors

These are people who have greatly helped me on my own personal path of self healing and their work is a great addition to the work I do.

Masati (FKA Mas Sajady)

I have been working with Masati since 2014 and his work has greatly helped me get a strong foundation and recover from incorrectly using my abilities. By working with him I have removed the distortions caused by my abilities and brought in a strong foundation. This allowed me to bring in a much truer definition of who I am and start to use my abilities in a proper way so they no longer harmed me by using them.

He describes himself as a surgeon, he sees the distortions in you and helps you cut them out. Everyone has great potential, however, until you remove a lot of your distortions your true inner brilliance can’t shine through and the communication between your timeless self and time bound self is muddied. What he does is not unique and anyone can learn to do it if you are willing to release enough of your distortions, so he has been a great example of the levels I can endeavor to reach. Though we both access that timeless space our focus and flavor is different so his work is a great addition to my work.

Emme Sajady

Emme works strongly with the frequencies of love and her abilities help you fill in the empty spaces in your DNA until you are able to fill those yourself. Masati describes her as post-op where he sees himself more as a surgeon.

Zaki Sajady

Zaki works strongly with your physical body and also dialogues with your timeless self to help bring in a better understanding between your time bound and timeless self.